Sunday, September 29, 2024


Swiss robot took a job on the marine platform

Swiss Robot: The quadruped ANYmal robot is known for its unique agility and ability to overcome various obstacles arising on its way. He can dance to different music, climb...

How to save the ocean from plastic: in Rotterdam have created a floating Park out of waste

In the World, Ocean floats a huge amount of plastic waste, which forms large islands. Leading engineers and environmentalists offer various options for eliminating...

The artist showed how animals behave when no one is looking

Animals: The young Frenchman Julien Tabet has an outstanding imagination and excellent skills in working in Photoshop. He does not consider image editing his...

Japanese students have become the most famous paintings of the world

Most famous paintings: Kawasaki is a Japanese city located between Tokyo and Yokohama, known for its heavy industry, open-air folk museums, and the country's...

7 unusual temples in which it is difficult to recognize a religious structure

What should the temples look like in your presentation? An old majestic building with religious symbols - in such a building, any of us...

The girl turned her huge library into a fantastic art project

You can get involved in literature in different ways: someone reads books, and someone creates art from them. A girl named Elizabeth Sagan has been...